Start time: 8:00:00 PM
Net control: KK6LDS, Doug
Members checked in:
kj6hhy - Dale
wa6tqj - Gary
k6wls - Kenneth R
kg6sjt - Greg
ki6hha - Dennis
kk6lds - Doug
km6bxz - Bob
km6kfw - Darrell
w6kjx - Lu
kk6zgb - MIchael (DEC-3)
km6riw - Brad (Placer ARES)
11 member check-ins.
Visitor check-ins: Jim, KJ6PKQ, Chico; Mike, KM6RIX, Orangevale; Dave, WB6DNL, Davis; Robert, K6VNR, Live Oak (Yuba-Sutter ARES).
Special Traffic
Emergency / Priority traffic: None.
Announcements: Greg, KG6SJT, announced that he has put a file on the Sac Valley ARES website that contains new Red Cross procedures for Amateur Radio operators. All ARES members should be familiar with these new procedures.
Official Traffic
Traffic: None.
Practice Message (or more traffic)
Practice Message: No message tonight.
Closing time: 8:21:00 PM
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